4 Reasons WHY you Need Photos for your Food Business
1. Pictures speak a thousand words

Lame. It sounds cliché. Yeah. But you must not underestimate the power of storytelling in everything you want to sell. A photograph has the ability to convey emotion, mood, narrative, ideas and messages – all of which are important elements of story telling. A good story highlights the hero of the day’s character. With illustrations, stories become more interesting. The illustrations somehow make the stories alive and they feed a lot to your imagination. Photograph (or a series of them) has the ability to do all that.
2. It promotes your restaurant’s personality

Using professional, high-quality, and relevant photos will help your product and/or service stand out among the competition, and will impress current and potential clients. Who not like all those impressive way of conveying information. Establishment has gorgeous photos (think TGIF’s advertisements) which display their food in an attractive way, you are more likely to enjoy your experience and return for more.
3. It creates Great First Impression

Have you heard a saying says “people eat with their eyes” or “love at the first sight”? It’s all about first impression and evokes feeling. That chocolate dripping down a cake should make you want to reach in, grab a fork, and take a bite. Customer exposure to professional marketing materials, especially photography, is integral to influencing the buying process.
4. It enhances your online presence

New research confirms that photos could be the “holy grail” of social media engagement. March 2014 research published on eMarketer, photos accounted for 75% of content posted by Facebook pages worldwide. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchats – need to list more? Why these media is high on demand? It’s because Photos Are Worth a Million Likes.

Article by Cik Seri (seridewi@live.com)